
Saturday, July 31, 2010 11:35 AM Posted by Daniel Beard

I added anti-aliasing to the rendering of the ray tracer. At first I tried regular sampling which is breaking a pixel down into smaller sub-pixels and shooting rays through the center of those pixels and averaging the result. This was better than nothing but still created some artifacts when rendering. The next trial was random sampling to replace aliasing with noise, but the samples can become clumped together and look unnatural. The method that I have settled on for now is jittered sampling which consists of breaking the target pixel down into sub-pixels and shooting rays at a random position through the sub-pixels so that each sub-pixels has at least one ray shot through it. Changing the amount of samples per pixel reduces the aliasing effect.

The image that is attached is rendered with jittered sampling with 64 samples per pixel.

First Results

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 4:38 PM Posted by Daniel Beard

Here are the first results. The bare bones ray tracer has been completed and works rendering spheres and planes with colours (no textures yet). The ray tracer only supports orthographic projection at the moment without shading or any other features. This is the simplest ray tracer that I can create.

Welcome To SimpleRTracer

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 4:33 PM Posted by Daniel Beard

Welcome to SimpleRTracer. This project aims to build a reasonable powerful cross platform open source ray tracer by builing a simple skeleton ray tracer and adding features from there. This project is a portfolio project for me and other work of mine can be found at I have always loved the raytracing / games devleopment process, so recently I have been learning as much as possible. This project is a result of my recent learning. My name is Daniel Beard and I hold a Bachelor of Computer Science and Games Programming at Edith Cowan University in Mt Lawley, Perth, Australia.