I am 21 years old and have a passion for all things games and simulation. I recently graduated from Edith Cowan University in Perth with a B.CompSci / Games Programming double degree. I have written simulations / visualisations / games for a number of different platforms and I am comfortable developing code for Mac OSX, Windows, and High Performance computing situations.
I know C / C++, Python, C# and am familiar with OpenGL, DirectX, Ogre3d, XNA and OpenFrameworks.
I am do some hobby mobile development and have developed several apps for Blackberry OS5, and Windows Mobile.
I have a passion for learning and I am always looking for new projects to take on and learn from.
I have worked as an intern at iVec from Nov ’09 to Feb ’10 in conjunction with the University of Western Australia and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research. After my internship was completed I was hired to continue my simulation work and have written Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations that run in parallel environments that are multi-platform (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, SGI Altix Supercomputer) that are supported in 2 different languages (C, Java). The Java version runs on a platform called the Nereus Cloud that provides a cheap High Performance computing platform using university machines from around Australia.
My personal website can be found at http://danielbeard.wordpress.com
My other project can be found at http://owls-h1.sourceforge.net